Resolute Bear Press Panel at 2020 Atlantic Canada Studies Conference

Downeast Maine Publisher of Fine Books
3 Nations Anthology: Native, Canadian & New England Writers, edited by Valerie Lawson from Resolute Bear Press received the 2018 Maine Literary Award for anthology on Thursday night at the Space Gallery in Portland.
The Maine Literary Awards is an annual competition sponsored and coordinated by the Maine Writers & Publishers Alliance. In 2018, 145 books were entered across the award’s categories.
3 Nations Anthology: Native, Canadian & New England Writers focuses on the northeast United States and Atlantic Canada, where people share borders, blood, and heritage. The land is disputed in places, in others the US and Canada share responsibility, and Tribal Lands reside as sovereign nations within their borders. The poems, essays, and short stories in this anthology explore the things that divide, the bridges between, and the intense love of this rugged region the people hold in common.
Lawson says, “The anthology is a conversation across borders. There are no arguments here, no proselytizing, just neighbors writing about relationships, heritage, and the land they share. This book is about building bridges, not walls.”
In the coming weeks there will be readings from the anthology at the 14th Annual Books in Boothbay Summer Book Fair, Saturday, July 14; Brick Store Museum, Kennebunk, Thursday, July 19; Beyond the Sea Book Festival, Lincolnville, Saturday, July 21; Cultural Center of Cape Cod, Thursday, August 9, South Yarmouth, MA; Peavey Memorial Library, Eastport, Saturday, August 11; Sunbury Shores Arts & Nature Centre, St. Andrews, NB, Saturday, September 8; Abbe Museum, Bar Harbor, Thursday, September 13; and others as they are scheduled.
More information about 3 Nations Anthology, Resolute Bear Press, and readings and events can be found at www.resolutebearpress.com or contact Valerie Lawson, valerie.lawson@maine.edu or 207-454-8026.
The 3 Nations Anthology is on its way from the printer this week. I am proud to say that McNaughton & Gunn, a woman-owned printing company which we used to print Off the Coast, also printed this anthology. CLMP, the Community of Literary Magazines and Presses recommends them, and with good reason. They do a wonderful job and their customer service is fabulous.
The cover image is a photocollage of local impressions, the bridge across the narrows from Lubec to Campobello Island, a blueberry barren, a map of Passamaquoddy Bay, a fish weir, and an image of the St. John River.
New England and Atlantic Canada share borders, boundaries, blood, and heritage. The land is disputed in places, in others the US and Canada share responsibility, and Tribal Lands reside as sovereign nations within their borders. The poems, essays, and short stories in this anthology explore the things that divide, the bridges between, and the intense love of this rugged region they hold in common.
The book contains essays, poems, and short stories from:
Michael R. Brown, Dennis A. Camire, Wendy Cannella, Barbara A. Chatterton, Daniel Crowfeather McIsaac, Frances Drabick, J. C. Elkin, Kathleen Ellis, Jéanpaul Ferro, Stephanie S. Gough, Jason Grundstrom-Whitney, Grey Held, Leonore Hildebrandt, Andrea Hill Suarez, Carol R. Hobbs, Paul Hostovsky, Robert P. Hunter, Cynthia Huntington, Sonja Johanson, Susan A. Johnson, J. Kates, Charles A. Kniffen, Michele Leavitt, Carl Little, Read More…
The cover image for 3 Nations had its own story. Several years ago, I attended a show at the Tides Institute in Eastport, ME (the easternmost city in the US) and fell in love with the work of a Canadian print artist. Lesson one: never fall in love with a single artwork when working on a cover. Lesson two: know when to walk away. It took me a while, I didn’t want to give up on the piece, but eventually I did (the piece was tangled in an estate). The book still needed a cover.
At Off the Coast, people sent me artwork and I would select an image and then design the cover with it. I had nothing for 3 Nations. So I went to work and did what designers do, I sketched and tinkered, and Read More…